A good friend of mine just returned from New York and brought me this awesome baseball that had NewYork written on it. i haven’t even shown it to Ares (my dog) so i wouldn’t make him curious. I thought i went out to get him a treat too so i strategically placed the ball on top of the 1.2m table out of his reach (he has a history of tracking down new things) . Unfortunately, the table had a sheet on it and it was all Ares needed. By the time i got back (about 5-8minutes) he already finished with the ball and was sleeping in his bed.
Must be a Boston fan…..sadly there’s no cure for that.
This is what Beagles LOVE to do! CHEW!
Still angry
Yeah my beagle did the same thing with my autographed baseball from Lou Whitaker and Alan Trammell!