My seven-month old Golden met my seven-month old niece. Needless to say, baby was not impressed with Peach’s exuberance.
She’s not a peach

My seven-month old Golden met my seven-month old niece. Needless to say, baby was not impressed with Peach’s exuberance.
Miss Lucy is very friendly, especially in the elevator. If you’ve just come from the gym, she especially loves you! You are tasty! Luckily, we have many kind neighbours who don’t freak out too much over her attention.
Ironically, the day before I ate this…I chewed up a yellow dish sponge. I’m sorry, but I’ll probably destroy something else tomorrow while you’re gone.
I wee on elderly women who wear long skirts.
– Alfie, the terrible Tibetan Terrier, age 6.
This is Phife Dog.
He’s an 11 week old English Staffy. And like all staffies he loves to chew. Everything.
Naughty Doggy.
I left the kitchen for 15 seconds and Reesee was about to eat her third egg.
I finally figured out how to open the big Garage door, and the police came and crashed my party….. go figure!
My name is Katie and I eat the cats food instead of my own
I’m not sure if I should be happy, sad, angry …. or merely frightened of tomorrow’s walk.
Fez wouldn’t stop licking his feet. When I smelled them they smelled like Fritos. I had to wash him off to make him stop.
Editor’s note: if your pup’s feet smell like nachos or fritos, there’s a high likelihood that they have a yeast infection in between their toes. YUCK!