Cherry had her bed against the front door, and when the post dropped onto her head, what could she do? Eat it of course, followed by a nice chew on one of mummy’s trainers.
Cherry mail be in trouble once mom get’s home

Cherry had her bed against the front door, and when the post dropped onto her head, what could she do? Eat it of course, followed by a nice chew on one of mummy’s trainers.
Miss Charlie has a discerning palate when it comes to glasses. She ate her 4th pair today. I accept some responsibility for leaving my glasses where she could get to them, but Charlie has plenty of toys to chew on!
I rolled in fox poo now my mum is making me have a bath 🙁
“I like the kitty litter on the floor better”.
I eat tampons. They are delicious!
I tackled and bit a deer. (I’m not sorry, I’m proud.)
I poop on the floor to be spiteful. When mommy doesn’t take me with her when she leaves…she always has a present awaiting her when she gets back!
Jax is a rescue pup we recently adopted. He loves to decorate and “remodel” our home and furniture. He destroys his doggie beds and plush toys every time they are replaced. Silly boy.
Oh, that said Do NOT Eat?! My bad.
Quasar eats mom’s underwear, and Nova taught him how.