Toy stealing
Yearly Archives:: 2014
A Room With a View
Stella is a rescue who has been know for destroying a thing or two since we adopted her. She is so sweet. We just moved to a new house a few weeks ago. Today, I noticed some fabric on the floor, and thought it was a remnant from my sewing box, until I saw the sheers in our formal living room. She admitted to doing it- (her antennae looking ears drooped when I asked.) I know she’s sorry.
Sharnado Touchdown
She has a knack for getting a lot of stuffing out of a very small hole. She can destroy any toy in less than 24 hours.
Cat Scratch Fever
“It wasn’t until after mommy wrapped me in a blanket and cuddled me that she realized why I didn’t feel well…I got in to the cat’s litter box! I’m gross!”
Max is one of our very loving schnauzers. We came home one day and he was sitting alone shaking. We made sure to wrap him up and cuddle him to make him feel better. It wasn’t until he started giving kisses upon feeling better that we found out he had litter breath!
I’m ready for my algebra test!
Outlaw eats pencils. He has such an attitude, he is proud of it! No shame here! He is as proud as he can be!
I was trying to tell you politely to stop baking those awful bran muffins!
My name is Charlie and I eat the thumbs off of oven mitts.
What a meathead!
I went to visit my grandmother and first thing he did was stealing a steak off of the counter. He swallowed the entire thing in a few seconds….what follows is the classic guilty look (also known as a manipulation technique to get himself out of trouble)
I threw up and my dad found it with his bare feet.
I’ll protect you from the evil bubbles!
Sammy is petrified of bubbles so Geisha protects her by chasing after them! What a good big sister!
Who is the mystery pooper?
One of us just pooped in the house. It wasn’t the one you think.
Although Bruce looks like the culprit and has put himself in timeout, he is NOT in fact the mystery pooper. Wally (in front), with his “who me?” look most certainly is.