Penni enjoys shredding all forms of paper into piles all around the house. There is no limit to her paper choice and has included bills and other mail, trash, toilet paper, and even the kid’s homework. Too bad “my dog ate my homework” is the oldest excuse in the book because with our dog-hamster around it can be and has been legit!
Yearly Archives:: 2014
Look deep into my eyes…
I lovingly looked into my neighbours eyes and peed on her floor. P.S it’s a restaurant.
Mom leaves note for dad
Daddy refused kisses after Fenway took to the kittens litter box.
Dexter was kicked out of the groomer half way through his grooming for popping ON another dog in the waiting/play area.
David Copperfluff, you are not!
My name is Griffon and I tried to open this door while no one was home without permission!
Who got the last laugh?
Our doggy Ramathorn cut his foot and had to be on sedatives. He was all doped up and it was hysterical until he peed on our bed.
I paid with my manhood, you pay with your life…
After being neutered, our dog turned on the gas stove and lit the house on fire.
I’m coming out of the closet, looking fabulous!
“I was mad Mom left, so I took everything out of the closet.”
Mornings are RUFF
“Some mornings, I’m too lazy to get out of bed.”
Bubba the Chihuahua likes to burrow under the covers at night and occasionally gets too cozy.
Eggcellent picnic blanket, where did you say you go it?
Abby and Csar decided our freshly gathered eggs would be a good snack. They decided to eat them on the new bedspread.