My Basset Hound, Bellah, lets me know (by howling ) when there is company at the door. Most of my guests look forward to my Hillbilly Door bell. This poor little Trick-or-Treater screamed, cried, & fled after she knocked on my door. Bellah is more sad than ashamed. Sign reads: “A Trick-or-Treater knocked on the Door. I Howled. She ran away. My Trick caused her to lose a few of her Treats.”
Our sweet little Ruby can run amazingly fast. My daughter decided to open the screen door one morning and let her out. Ruby does not come when you call her, it just gives her inspiration to run harder.
Food is not safe around Lucy. She will pull food off the counters and that is exactly what she did–she ate the bag and the homemade sourdough bread in the bag!