I sneak cat poop treats out of the litter box.
Yeah, I did it. So what?

I sneak cat poop treats out of the litter box.
Mother’s Day is right around the corner and we thought it would be fun to hold a Mutter’s Day Contest! We’re turning the tables on dog-moms for this contest! This time the dogs will be shaming their mommies! Did you ever do anything to your pooch for which you feel the need to atone? Ever forget to feed your puppy because you were so busy with the baby? Accidentally step on Bingo’s paw? Lose Rufus’ annoying squeaky toy “on accident”? Time to confess!
Every week from now until Mother’s Day, we’ll be picking the best submissions and posting them on Friday!
The selected winners will receive signed copies of the Dog Shaming book, as well as some cool Dog Shaming swag! It’s the perfect gift for the dog-loving mom in your life.
Here are the rules:
Submit a picture to our blog with a picture of your pooch with or without their “mommy”, along with a sign describing your indiscretion (just like in the picture posted above).
The title of the picture MUST READ: Mutter’s Day Contest! (If you don’t do this, we won’t see it!)
Make sure you use your current email address as we’ll be emailing the winners
Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for even more chances to win! If you don’t want to take any chances in winning the contest to get your hands on the book, feel free to order copy here.
Hero is a 6 month old former foster pup/recent rescue from New Orleans who will only eat homemade organic chicken treats, laptop chargers, and his own poop.
Our Chihuahua, Precious, was not thrilled when she was dethroned as the baby of the family 9 years ago. To this day, she still dislikes our son. When my son’s school sent home this worksheet so he could share about his dog, we knew we had to tell the truth. My husband and I still love our first baby but, we try to keep distance between her & our human children.
I came into my mom’s life shortly after the loss of her first furbaby and have always been able to make her laugh and smile, no matter what mood she’s in, with my antics and strange faces.
I ate the fish food and the high growth pellets!!!
Charlie the labradoodle is fascinated by the tropical fish, he sits watching them for ages, we all went out for dinner and when we came back he had eaten all the fish food and high growth pellets….. His breath stank for days after !!!
Wanda is a Seeing Eye Dog Puppy who is very curious and loves to chew and eat anything that belongs to her Mum!
This is Amber, my staffordshire cross. She loves playing with my chickens and has never hurt any of them!
Fred loves his chicks
“I love to eat sand-crabs at the beach. I need my protein! -Gidget”
Gidget’s favorite part of her morning walk on the beach is digging for those delectable little treats.