My beagle, Bebe, crept under the Christmas Tree and abducted the sweet Christ Child from his manger. She then proceeded to de-swaddled him and chew his limbs and head to pieces. 🙁
My beagle, Bebe, crept under the Christmas Tree and abducted the sweet Christ Child from his manger. She then proceeded to de-swaddled him and chew his limbs and head to pieces. 🙁
It’s all right. Animals have their own Heaven. And your sweet spot is reserved 😉
Ann Driod
I’m so proud of this pope!
Yes – I love this Pope and I’m not even religious – I think he’s doing so much good, both within and outside the church.
As for Bebe, she just misunderstood the part about being nourished by the body of Christ…I’m sure she is forgiven! 😀