Andromeda (Andi for short) stole a co-workers sandwich on the sly and ate the whole thing. Now she looks like a bloated whale, waddles when she walks and her farts smell like boiled eggs..
Our friend Stacie over at barkbox shared this picture with us!
This girl Andi is known to hop up and steal Chinese food off desks but today was a doozy. But you know about those Doxie problems!
Even her eyes look like they are bulging out of her head due to all that food filling up the inside! Andi knows what’s good stuff – sandwiches can be very tasty.
awww, she looks ashamed đŸ™‚
It was the co-worker’s fault! How dare they tempt that sweet baby with delicious sandwiches. even the best trained dogs have stolen food when severely tempted.
Lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol! đŸ˜€