“I eat the heels off my mums high heels, ( including her wedding shoes)”
I find my 6 month old pug Beasley in my closet eating my heels on a very regular basis, she doesn’t touch my other shoes, but she is banned from the closet now.
“I eat the heels off my mums high heels, ( including her wedding shoes)”
I find my 6 month old pug Beasley in my closet eating my heels on a very regular basis, she doesn’t touch my other shoes, but she is banned from the closet now.
Nice “what?” “who?” face.
Looks like she needs a really good chew toy…..what a face.
When I was growing up, my brother had a beagle who ate the heels off my mother’s shoes
When I was growing up, my brother had a beagle that ate the heels off all of our mother’s shoes