My dog is not allowed on the second floor of our house, so I was suspicious when I heard her sneaking down the steps. I ran upstairs to find the remains of my daughter’s science experiment. The dog ate the control cupcakes and two covered in dish soap. Ugh!
Claudette Lalande-Papp
Is he foaming at the mouth yet?
Labs like ALL toppings!
Regina Woodill
Our black lab ate an entire bar of Dial soap. I called poison control & the remedy — as gross as it was — was to take a turkey baster & fill it with peroxide, and force her to ingest it. Of course this was to induce vomiting. Here comes the best part. We had to follow her around the yard and clean up her vomit. Why? Because Dial soap apparently is like candy to black labs & she would have re-ingested the vomit. It was a very long night. She’s fine of course and we now keep the soap up where she cannot reach it.
Cup cakes with dish soap on them?
Ummmm…..what kind of science class is your two legged non-fur child taking?
This was my question!
and for extra credit…. a hypothesis when a dog eats cupcakes with soap on them….
What a sweet looking dog, she just wanted to check the kids room and make sure they wouldn’t get in trouble bringing food in their room.