I made a turkey wrap for my husband’s lunch, walked away for a few seconds and Chance, aka the blond haired thief, stole it and ate it! He at least looks sorry.
The sign says, I ate my dad’s turkey wrap my mom made for his lunch. Snatched it right off the counter.
He’s just waiting for you to leave so he can do a great big burp!!
Debbie Pearson Fortenberry
he does look sorry.
I had human visitors do the same thing to me! And they didn’t look nearly as cute or sorry.
Oh dear, he really does look sorry (unless it’s indigestion). Such a sweet face!
If you leave food alone, it belongs to the dog.
I’m sure it was well worth getting in trouble for, too bad he got caught.
My Tasha did that shortly after we adopted her. I left my sandwich on the counter, went in the garage for a minute, came back to find the top piece of bread missing and a slice of sausage gone too. She was hiding next to our fireplace looking so ashamed of herself it was hard to be mad at her.
Shouldn’t that be “Post-Canadian-Thanksgiving meat sweats, eh?”