Daisy chews up rolls of toilet paper whenever she gets the chance. She is not sorry. How can you shame someone that has no shame?
3 Responses to “It’s one-ply! You monster!”
You keep bringing that irresistible toy into the house, and you have the nerve to blame that poor pup? Ha! Maybe you should try one of those old time, single sheet toilet paper dispenser things. Kimberly Clark calls them ‘interleaved’. They remind me of my school days.
You keep bringing that irresistible toy into the house, and you have the nerve to blame that poor pup? Ha! Maybe you should try one of those old time, single sheet toilet paper dispenser things. Kimberly Clark calls them ‘interleaved’. They remind me of my school days.
Gopal Aggarwal (@gopal1035)
Look at her smile 🙂