I fart and startle myself. Fart + Startle= “Fartle”. I’m a Fartler! Dolly tries his best to take a nap but is always awoken by the trumpeting of his own rear end which always wakes him with a startle. We coined the term “Fartle” for him because he does it constantly!
Susanna Powell
This is so funny, because I too refer to my dog’s startling farts as fartles! I didn’t know anyone else did that!!!!
Dewwey Mann
You named a him “Dolly”? You don’t know what the male plumbing looks like?
Aw, I think Dolly’s a cute name. He doesn’t know the difference.
I called my Yorkie the “Fartlette” until I change her food and her problem went away.
Aww, my Min Pin has a lil panic attack whenever he passes gas lol very entertaining to see
Dolly you made me laugh! 🙂 And I guess fartling (if that’s the correct form of the verb) is better than Bear’s silent-but-deadly ones…
Amy Williams
Fartler…LOLOL…This made my day. What a hoot, and Dolly is adorable.
That’s hilarious! Your dog shouldn’t have that much gas though. Mine did and my vet said change her food and that was it no more gas.
Jen M.
Dolly…you gave me a much needed laugh!