I devoured an entire bag of expensive ($20 a bag!) venison jerky treats my mom had hidden in a ceramic lidded container on the counter. I know how to push a stepstool over to the counter and get the lid off the container to get what I want! And I will probably do it again. They were really good.– Lola
Aren’t you actually proud of the puppy?
Clever girl!
Amy Williams
Now THAT is talent. Way to go Lola.
Mary Saunders Chace
I’m still trying to figure out how my 17 pound pekepoo got up on the dining room table to eat a cheese and pepperoni platter…
Well worth getting in trouble for.
Maggie Kelley
IMPRESSIVE! I can see how that would be a problem for her owner but damn you’ve gotta give it to her for a) skill b) persistence and c) motivation. If we humans had those kind of abilities think what we could do?!
I always say that it is always better to have a “no so bright big dog” since they can reach the counter. However, my not so bright Pumpkin was known for stealing pound cake and bagels.