Cherry had her bed against the front door, and when the post dropped onto her head, what could she do? Eat it of course, followed by a nice chew on one of mummy’s trainers.
Cherry had her bed against the front door, and when the post dropped onto her head, what could she do? Eat it of course, followed by a nice chew on one of mummy’s trainers.
how can you be mad at that cute whippet face??
i wanna cuddle it!
That is the most British sentence ever.
(Jill) it definitely has a completely different meaning read in the U.S. The poor little whippet would have splinters in her mouth and be in doggie jail for eating a human. But such an adorable face!
Kim Ber Ly
If the post dropped on my head I would eat it too!
The post started it by hitting the napping pooch on the head.
Hey, people, she’s a greyhound.
Ha ha, the difference between our languages!
The post in UK is the mail in the US, and trainer is, well, I thunk you call them sneakers?
Cherry’s mum x
Think not thunk, ha ha ha.