Every time we go to the dog park, I see Luna, my black and white whippet, sniffing the ground obsessively. She would then stop, bite the grass, and roll around in that spot for about 2 minutes straight. When I noticed that my other 2 dogs would join her in this ritual, I finally went over to see what the heck they were all rolling in. Turns out they were hunting down earthworms and rolling around on top of them until the earthworms were crushed to a pulp.
My chiwinnie does the same thing and has taught my other 2 mixes the art.
Oh gross, lol!
Vicki Stuckey
My two doxies do this also, the eat them.
Lisa Van Stetsen
Let’s go fishin’
Yup, our Matese mutt does the same thing. Thanks goodness, we now live in an upstairs apt! She only roll around in our bed, sofa and our other mutt’s toys.
My four dachshunds to the same. They love worms!
Never happens to my golden retriever mix…..hope it works out for you.
In my house we refer to worms as ‘sidewalk candy.’ My doxie mix can’t get enough of them.
Those little whippets sure can be pesky! Mine do the same thing.
My Brucie is obsessed with doing the same gross thing! Haha! He is a Chubby Chihuahua mix. I brought him some leftover seafood once. There was an Octopus arm, a tiny one and he did the same Earthworm rolling thing on it. So strange! Why do they feel driven to do this? LOL!
Mine would leave the fresh ones alone, but the dried crunchy ones were a delicacy she loved to scrape off the sidewalk.