Our 3 year old lab/coonhound mix, Lucy loves to run and be outside. We moved to a house without a fence and woods in the backyard and she would escape from the house, slip out of her collar, and run into the woods any chance she got. So my husband and I spent thousands of dollars and with the help of family and friends almost 2 months to construct a fence to make a huge, beautiful backyard.
When the fence was finally finished, Lucy loved her new yard, she loved running around and sniffing everything. Until one day about 2 weeks in, a rabbit ran out from under our deck. My husband and I watched in shock as Lucy jumped the 4 and 1/2 foot fence chasing after the rabbit. Our hearts broke as all of our hard work and money seemed like a waste. Lucy, on the other hand, was having a grand time running after the rabbit through the woods getting muddy (we then had to give her a bath). Fence extensions and working with a trainer are in our future. We still love our little Houdini.
You may want to look at the cost of a roll bar on top. Where I live, we add them to 6 foot fences to keep coyotes out. They may work to keep your dog in.
Awww…she’s precious. I have a hound too. I dread the day she figures out she can vault the fence!
Amy Goodson
*string some strong wire from fence post to fence post and put a pvc pipe on it so that when her paws land on it they roll right off
years ago we had a miniature dachshund who could climb a 4′ tall chain link fence and get out.
After witnessing our first dog, a rescue mutt of all 14 lbs climbing and jumping over a 5 feet tall baby gate, we PTS the gate. Our dog earned his right to the family’s sofa!
I have a jumper too. He is a lab/hound mix. Fences need to be over 6 ft to hold him in. He has no trouble jumping my 5 ft. chain link fence. I’ve gotten to where I just put him on a tie out or leave him inside if I’m leaving home. I never stay gone over about 2 hours. I’m a prisoner to this place.
It may be cheaper to just buy a jump harness for her. They are like a normal harness with two loops that go around the back legs. Those loops keep the dog from jumping. I worked at a doggy daycare and we had several fence-jumper clients. We just made those dogs wear a jump harness whenever they were in the yard. After that we never had another dog jump over the fence 🙂
Will those harnesses keep dogs from jumping on people? My dog is pretty good about this, except he wants to jump on my 80 year old mother.
Great idea. Did not know about the harness.
We have a collie rescue that when she was younger could clear a five foot fence without knowing it….So before we got her that made sure we had a six foot privacy fence….which we did. She could clear that with feet to spare,so we had extra boards up for the last six years to keep her in. Now she is content to stay here, plus older and heavier, and we once again have a normal looking fence.
My Charlie would climb the fences. They weren’t keeping him locked in!
j4ckl3 (@j4ckl3)
Dog is desperate to do what it does naturally. Hunt. Time to hunt.
Aw it’s probably the hound in him? Hopefully he learns not to do it and doesn’t get into too much trouble
Resourceful girl! And obviously her hoomins love her very much. 😀
Maybe adding two feet of lattice on top will make it too high for her? It will look good too.
I think your lab / hound mix is actually a Mountain Cur (he looks exactly like mine)… and we had to build a 6 foot fence!!!
Thanks for the story to go along with the picture. It really helps put everything together. My dog isn’t a jumper, I keep her penned in with some decorative fencing.
We had a red bone coon hound – he could clear a 6 ft fence with ease. He had a routine of houses he would go to for snacks or to play before settling down in the middle of the cul de sac for a nap…. luckily all the neighbors liked him and would keep an eye out for him 🙂