This is Aria. She’s a 5 month old service dog being trained by her mom Karin who uses a wheelchair. Tonight she was a very naughty girl and chewed through her brand new, custom-made leash while under the table at a restaurant. She’s not sorry!
This is Aria. She’s a 5 month old service dog being trained by her mom Karin who uses a wheelchair. Tonight she was a very naughty girl and chewed through her brand new, custom-made leash while under the table at a restaurant. She’s not sorry!
Awww, she looks sorry. Thank goodness you are a good pet owner and forgive her 🙂 She will grow up to be someone’s best friend 🙂
Oh, Aria! You will grow out of your puppy ways and be a huge help to your Mom. Each of the 3 puppies I’ve trained to be seeing eye dogs took a spectacular poop in public right before they went back for formal training and they turned out great. Hang in there, mom!
Annabelle Essert (@RainbowCatsx8)
Aw, only 5 months old! She’ll learn and be a wonderful service dog for her mom! <3
What a beautiful girl. And she will grow out of her chewing through stuff phase and I’m sure she’ll be an awesome service dog.