My 6lb dog tried to attack a coyote and luckily my husband and neighbour were right there to save him so the coyote dropped him. He literally has a scar of the coyote claw marks on one side of him and teeth in the other side. ER Vet said we were beyond lucky!
Oh my! What a little ball of bravery! I’m so glad he’s OK. He’s obviously worth whatever the vet bill was – and much more!
Kari M.
Poor guy! Glad he’s okay! My baby has a scar below her eye from a coyote. My German Shephard and Lab saved her before I could even get out there!
Michele cannon
Glad he’s ok, great face and eyes ♡
Has the heart of a Lion! Goodness me though, coyotes, and there’s me worrying about foxes…
Chicks digs scars!
Inez S.
Heart of a lion — a very, very overconfident lion.
Yikes! I can see my boy doing that. Glad he’s okay.
Little dog syndrome. The smaller the braver.
My guy is more of a bully than brave. I’ve seen him bark at another dog, have the other dog snap at him, then both dogs turn tail and run in opposite directions.
It’s a not the size of a dog; it’s the size of a fighter in a dog! Our first rescue terrier (all 10 lbs of him!!!) had more than one occasions proved that saying … scared the bejesus out of us tho’!!! Funny thing is he would tremble and cry at a sight of a cat :-/
I know how you felt. My little 20 pound chiweenie took on a dog 3 or 4 times her size. The larger dog bit down on her head (entire head) and wouldn’t let go. My fiancé managed to get the larger dogs jaws open just enough so I could pull my pup away, but not with out giving up his own little finger. But in the end my baby walked away with one or two teeth marks on her neck and didn’t even have to go to the vet. My fiancé on the other hand went to urgent care with a bite wound that went straight through his finger. In the end it cost us $60, a pair of pants and our relationship with our next door neighbor.
This dog is a bada$$ disguised as a cute little snowball! Very lucky pup.
I’m so glad he’s ok! What a scary experience for him (and you!)
He looks so sweet and innocent…he thinks he’s a wolf in sheeps clothing! I always say I wish my boy was brave (he’s scared of EVERYTHING) but I’m thankful my boy isn’t this brave!
myra engels
Is he just a jambalaya of cuteness or a specific breed?
The best defense is a good offense..
Well maybe only if you weigh more than a sack of sugar.