Took our dogs out for a potty break and Zoe, the one on the right decided she needed to be directly under Nuke, the one on the left, when he had to pee. Neither one moved when we tried to stop the chaos. So we decided they deserved to be shamed. We love our pets!
I’m sorry….but ROFLMBO! How impressed was Zoe with her real clear water bath afterwards??
Omg, Zoe’s underbite is adorable! 🙂
this happens at least once a week on our walks! i have to warn people not to pet whoever just got peed on their head!
I’ve heard of humans with a thing for golden showers, it was even a plot point on “Sex in the City”, but canine-wise, this is a first (for me, though Jess confirms it’s not unusual)…
Dominic Goodspeed
I think we found R Kellys dogs lol.