Our Coonhound Buford hates to be left alone. This is the effects of a few mistakes made on the part of my husband. These mistakes are listed below.
First mistake: waking up late and rushing to get ready for church
Second mistake: Not looking harder for the pins to secure the dog’s crate door
Third mistake: Using nail clippers to try to secure the crate
Final mistake: Not confirming door was secure
Result: dog escaped, locked himself in the bathroom then chewed his way out.
Does he look sorry?
What a face 🙂 Well, in case you didn’t have enough ventilation in your bathroom, it is solved now 😀
Yes, that’s it! More ventilation! Too funny 🙂
I bet your husband’s face shows more shame than Buford’s!! (and I love the name Buford! Definitely fitting for a coonhound!)
Lol! Rien de rien, je ne regrette rien! Edith Piaf.
Megan Lepley
Coonhounds never regret anything…I know…I have 2.
I agree, Megan – I have a Walker hound who only looks vaguely remorseful if he thinks it will earn him a treat or an extra walk. We are on to him.
That’s quite impressive, and no, he doesn’t look sorry one little bit.
It’s entries like this one where I would have so loved to have witnessed the scene upon discovery!
I’m sorry to say… I just love this
He doesn’t look sorry, but I bet your husband does.
I think you should have shamed your husband instead! Poor little doggie.
Buford was doing quality testing in the bathroom and he has discovered a couple of things
1. The humidity is a little high and needs more ventilation…he thought he would assist you with that until it could be rectified
2. The door is very thin and if all doors throughout the home were made like this it is not very safe from burglars. He would advise you to get some solid wood doors that takes more than 30 minutes to chew through.
3. His last recommendation is he thinks the male owner who over slept should be on this sitel… he had FOUR mistakes and there is not one picture of him on here… where as Buford was only doing qualilty testing and ended up on this page somehow…
Great dogs, I love ’em. Except the shedding part.
But the are a bit insecure. But smart too, he got out right?
My treeing walker is the best dog I ever had (‘cept the shedding…)
Jen M.
Who could be mad at a dog named Buford!! I love it!
This is by far the best and worst story ever on here. Love the face.
Gold Coast
You go Buford!
Has Buford been listening to Tony Robbins? He seems to have discovered his personal power.