Meet Rupert and Alfie the Jack Russells… 1 year old Rupert and his 4 month old adopted brother Alfie decided to play ‘Tug-Of-War’ with their Mum’s bra whilst she was catching up on some well deserved rest… It took their Mum aaaaages to find the other Cup that was thrown accross the other side of the room… Named & Shamed!! x
They are too cute and look like they’re saying “What?? Who me?” Too bad about the bra….it looked like a nice one.
Oh! They are so cute! Love their names and their adorable faces.
Such cute dogs!!
Shoshana Silberstein
too bad-nice bra..oh yeah, really cute jackes!
Emah Breitbarth
Awwww how can you be mad at those lil faces?!!
Too bad you missed out on the fun.
I wonder who went flying when it finally broke ?
Look at those expectant faces – “Mom, we made slingshots…come play with us!” 😀
Julia Germs
Best it happen with then, instead of the faulty stitching breaking while Mom is out wearing it in public!
That was a fun game! Now they are looking around for another bra to play with.
Kay Gowen
You are going to LOVE having JRT’s for pets. They are the best. Mine is the best dog I have ever known in 56 years,,, forgive, and ENJOY!!!
I have two Jack Russells also! Best dogs ever! Although I think the bra chewing thing must be bred into them..lol! Its really hard to stay mad at those adorable faces though!
I have a mini schnauzer named Rupert. I also have a JRT and his name is Jack. He was never really a chewer but he is a pistol. He takes crap from no one. I love him to bits and he is too smart for his own good.
Hmm, idk. Where’s Dad? I think Dad told them to do it.