Sometimes when I’m feeling really sneaky, I’ll snatch a piece of (sugarless) gum from around the house. My mom shouldn’t leave anything like around, but sometimes she forgets (sugarless gum is toxic to dogs — but I don’t care!). On two separate occasions, I ate some of that yummy gum, and mommy had to call the vet and do what they told her to do: make me drink a little hydrogen peroxide so I could throw up. It was so much fun to walk around the yard, sniffing plants and deer poop, right after I drank that stuff — and it was especially fun to puke all over the living rug (four times!) once she brought me back into the house!
Oh you naughty doggy! LOL!! Poor mom having to clean all that up.
Maybe cleaning up all that puke will help your Mom remember not to leave gum around where you can get it. I think you taught her a gross but valuable lesson. 😉
It sounds like a traumatic event for both of you… and the carpet.
oh i feel your pain.. my dog got into my bottle of my meds and i had to give her hydrogen peroxide as well. I put it in a little bit of vanilla yogurt and she ate it on her own..
But the burning question remains : Did you hork up the offending gum ??
vicki d
I had no idea sugarless gum was toxic! my cocker has eaten several packs! My schnauzer did get a bottle of anti-diarrhea which is toxic and can cause death. It was a close call but she pulled thru. Accidents happen. My dogs are in a kennel when I cant supervise them and she still manages to get a hold of things.
Aww, I’m glad she’s OK. It’s scary how dangerous gum is for dogs.
okay let’s do away with sugarless gum, mommy!
Not so easy if mom is diabetic and would like some basic treats (like gum and chocolate) for herself.
my pug thankfully cannot reach tables/counters and i dont have furniture situated so she can climb it to reach tabletops. i have to block off certain rooms and create a “pug zone” so she cant get to things. hope she feels better soon!
We have had to give our boy some peroxide doses in the past. We spin him around or sometimes lift him upside down to make him throw up quicker and in an area of our choosing, so we can save our carpet. He is particularly fond of RAISINS