I am going away for 2 weeks, and spent my day off trying to get everything perfect and organized for my little “angel” to go to board. I spent over an hour individually packing over 75 meals to make it easier on the people taking care of him. Now, I get to do it all over again. He’s really a very good dog normally. This was so out of character and completely out of the blue…what a butthead!
christy brown
Lol..thats his way of telling you that he knows whats going on and he is trying to stop it..lol..he is so cute!
75 meals for two weeks? That’s a lot of food.
That’s what I was thinking!
Five meals a day. Maybe to help control blood sugar or reflux issues?
Donna from reCREATE (@reCREATEorg)
We just send a scoop that is the appropriate size… makes it easy and less waste… not a bunch of plastic bags to toss. Cute pooch!
I agree that he is trying to put a halt to the trip. That works out to five meals a day or three meals and two snacks per day. I am surprised that he can even move after eating it all.
Where does it say how much food is in each bag? Are any of you this dog’s vet who may have put this dog on a special diet? We can’t see much of him, but I’m doubting he’s enormously overweight.
Calm down
That’s what you get for LEAVING !! He KNOWS you’re going and he’s showing his displeasure.
The place I board my dog requires that you bag your food. One meal a day for adult dogs and two meals a day for puppies (You can send an extra bag or two in case they are needed). You can send treats in the container they come in (bag or box) plus they have their own. No Way would you send 75 meals for two weeks.
Mojo's mom
He is probably on a special diet where he has to eat several small meals a day rather than 2 big meals like most dogs. But I definitely think he was trying to punish mom for taking a trip without him. Love his teeth. 🙂
Leave mommy alone! She obviously loves her dog & put a lot of work and care into those packages! Who are you to criticize!
Gena Grejtak
Amen Susan!! It’s obvious this lil guy it’s loved and well cared for…I’d say he’s a lucky puppy.
I have to say that this boy has the CUTEST underbite I have ever seen!!!!
I agree! So adorable!!
Agreed! Leave her alone! Good Mom!
Jen M.
This is such a cute dog! Maybe 75 was a typo…but regardless this is one loved pooch
Denise Lewis
Lovely pooch, and for those stressing about the amount of bags, there’s no mention of how much is in each bag, so maybe, for many reasons, he has to have lots of small meals. 🙂
I know someone the a dog that for dietary reasons has to eat little and often. 75 does seem like a lot but the dog is not fat so don’t worry yourselves about it.
On another matter – I want a dog with an under it like this one! Lol x
He wants to stay home with you. Obviously you love him lots 🙂
Susan Bechhoefer
Such an adorable little face..and the TEETH!!! OMG, SO CUTE!! Sorry about the disaster, but everyone was right…she knows!!! 😀
Susan Bechhoefer
p.s. you’re a GOOD mommy…”he” knows that too! <3
Forget about the food, what about fixing that overbite! Ha ha
My dog is about this size and has to eat several small meals a day too…and yes, I put a bunch of different bags/tupperwares together before I travel. And yes, mine has a lunchbox too….I’m on your side!! 😀