This is Alex my 3 year old dachshund. He uses his nose to go into the empty bathroom and then the door shuts behind him and he’s stuck inside. He does this at minimum 5 times a day EVERY day. He whines and cries to be let out… then acts like nothing ever happened afterward. He never learns. LOL
My lab does this everyday, multiple times a day also!!
Sadie Mae
My lab does too, It got to the point I used a bungee cord from the doorknob to the toilet paper holder just so she wouldnt get stuck
Poor pooch….Maybe a folding door with a magnet? Pocket doors? Love that face!
One word – doorstop – in the open position! 🙂
We have big candles and pretty rocks in front of a few of our doors for this same reason…
Our lab/pointer mix does this. Completely shutting the door has solved the problem.
Doug Sill
Our boxer and bulldogs do this also.
Silly puppy! My dog did that once, stayed for hours in the bathroom because I was gone, and after I let her out she never did it again!
Amy Williams
I must say, Alex looks dashing in his sweater.
Aww don’t think he’s dumb, bad choice in words…maybe just a little challenged, or he’s the smart for getting you to come to his rescue and receiving attention.
You’d think by now the humans in the house would learn to keep the bathroom door shut, even when it is not in use.
LOL — that’s what I was thinking!
What a sweet face! Yes, I think a doorstop would be a good investment. 😀
Loretta Ellingsworth
I throw a bath towel over the top of the door so that it won’t close completely
He’s not dumb, he’s trained you to open the door for him. Handsome little guy.