Zoi knocked over a new bag of yarn, found the most expensive skein, and ran through the house with it. Leaving a mess of tangles in her wake, she was found licking it on the couch. (**Please note: Zoi did not ingest any of the yarn and my stash has been moved to a higher place where inquisitive pups cannot reach.)
Star Bricker
As a knitter and spinner, I feel your pain! The only doggy incident has been my English bull terrier, who like to crunch my bamboo needles.
I have lost many a bamboo needle, too. And a few projects that got taken on a joyride thru the house (& in one case, out the doggy door thru the garage, next doggy door, around about 6 trees in the yard, through mud and rain, then back into house & around the dining room table. Multiple times around. Wish I had a video of how it happened) but no one has ever stolen the yarn alone.
Must have been alpaca.
Sounds like they were trying weaving ….
What a crack up kpupfly!!
She has excellent taste.