Sam is my 2 and a half year old Jack Russell/Chihuahua and I love her to death! BUT, she ALWAYS steals my panties and destroys them. It’s the only bad habit she hasn’t grown out of! She looks slightly guilty, but she’s not! 🙂
Sam is my 2 and a half year old Jack Russell/Chihuahua and I love her to death! BUT, she ALWAYS steals my panties and destroys them. It’s the only bad habit she hasn’t grown out of! She looks slightly guilty, but she’s not! 🙂
My thirteen year old bichon poo STILL does this!
Jennifer Dokes
I have a chihuahua who is a panty eater. Drives me bananas!
She looks damn proud of herself!
I’ve lost about 30 pairs to my jack Russell X.
My five year old Wheaten has snacked on 83 pairs. Yes, I’ve counted. She had a radar for them and will pull down the hamper for both my husband’s and mine. Should have stock in Victoria’s Secret.
We have a Jackawawa too!
Great dogs 🙂