One day after Fisher turned one year old, and after we have successfully left him in the house while gone for work the whole day without incident, I came home to this. I was just trying to be nice so he wouldn’t have to sit out in the rain all day.
One day after Fisher turned one year old, and after we have successfully left him in the house while gone for work the whole day without incident, I came home to this. I was just trying to be nice so he wouldn’t have to sit out in the rain all day.
Get him an outside dog house so he can go in that when it rains!
I think Fisher was paying the cat back for something…
How do you know the cat didn’t do that, yup he did
Extremely pawsomely normal!
Payback for all the times the cat took over his bed!
The cat did it.
He knew he had the perfect chance to frame the innocent dog.
I think Goldens take about 3 years to outgrow their puppiness so you may have trusted him a wee bit too soon. Fisher is a very handsome boy!
He was celebrating that he had made it a whole day without destroying anything! 🙂
I’m with Polly: get him a proper doghouse.