Our beagle, Moby, dragged a fully sealed box that contained a bone, among other things, 50+ feet to the far corner of the living room. The only thing extracted from the box was the bone. As you may imagine, Moby was very pleased with himself.
Hi. My name is Moby. I dragged a sealed box into the living room, ripped open the bottom, dug out what I was looking for, tore off the plastic wrap, and was happily chewing my new bone when mom came home.
Very clever extraction Moby. You’d put those famous escape artists to shame
Beagles! Dontcha just love ’em?!
Sounds like a very independent boy, who can take care of himself when left home alone. Good job Moby.
Aw what a smart and cute dog.
well if nothing else, just took what Molly thought was rightfully hers, LOL….
Moby is the smartest dog and cute enough to get away with anything!!!
Smart and Cute!
I’m impressed. Now THAT is a testament to just how strong a dog’s nose REALLY is…LOL!
carmen webster buxton
There is a reason the US Customs Service uses beagles to sniff out food in luggage and packages! I find this behavior highly predictable– and adorable, just lie Moby.
carmen webster buxton
LIKE Moby! Spell checker let me down.
Lorna Draper
Well done, Moby!!!! Leave it to a beagle to track down food.
My late beagle Buttons found a 3X wrapped Christmas gift of home made shortbread. She ripped it open, ate what she could, dragged the leftovers up three floors and hid the leftovers behind the TV…for later. It was only when she got stuck (she was kind of chunky) trying to get at the leftovers did I discover what happened. That was over 15 years ago and even though she left me, it’s is a wonderful story I have shared with lots of people.
Beagles Rock!!!!
I can just picture it – Buttons sounds like a clever girl!
I salute you, Moby!!!! 😛
You might be able to fool a dog but never its nose. LOL!
My dog always lets me know when the “man in brown pants who sometimes bring her toys” stops by. She can’t see any more, but she sure knows when a box comes through the door. She looks sad if I tell her it’s not for her . . . then I have to give her a treat to ease my conscience.
Nothing like a sad dog’s face (or should I say, a dog’s sad face?) to loosen up the treat jar, and why not? Life is short, 🙂 …
Molly Dick
I have a foxhound named Moby and she has the same need to “inspect” packages. No doubt if there was something in there for her, she would find it.
My beagle Toby stole a box of chocolate covered cherries opened the box ate all of them but each wrap was still in its place in the he must have laid on floor and licked each one till they were gone he was so happy to show me when got home from work off to vet healthy happy lived to be 19 years old love those beagles have 2 more no boxes of cherries allowed