He Peed on his CEO’s foot….but then what did he do? (Click here to find out!)

Then he peed next to Canadian Music Icon Anne Murray!!
He Peed on his CEO’s foot….but then what did he do? (Click here to find out!)
Then he peed next to Canadian Music Icon Anne Murray!!
O! Canada!
Shawn K. Colgan
Either these things really excited the guy or he’s got really strong opinions! lol
Briscuit Brae
Spread your tiny wings and fly away~~~~ ~~ ~~
Cyndy Bush
If you must pee near Canadian “musicians” please choose Justin Beiber!
Haha cindy bush!
LOL you rock Cyndy
Go ahead and pee right ON Beiber little buddy. No one would blame you.
DeeDee Connors
Where is the “LIKE” button for this comment?
“What’s all the fuss about (using the proper pronounciation)?” says pup. Anne Murray probably said sorry!
Better yet…pee ON Justin Bieber…..please!!!
He couldn’t reach the suggestion box so he did the next best thing.
So, after he got the CEO’s attention by peeing on his foot, did it break the ice enough to ask for a raise ?
How did it work out ?
carol adler
I love this dog
tonyskirrlCammie Sizemore
by all mean please pee on Justin Bieber! I will mail you a crate of Perrier to get ready, you gorgeous pup