What I did was SO gross it’s not allowed on dogshaming so my mum had to write me a new sign…
There are no words to describe what I found in her bed and all over the kitchen floor this morning . She’s lucky she is so cute!
What I did was SO gross it’s not allowed on dogshaming so my mum had to write me a new sign…
There are no words to describe what I found in her bed and all over the kitchen floor this morning . She’s lucky she is so cute!
Now I’m curious!! She is indeed very, very cute!!
I’m soooooooo curious
With a face that cute, she can get away with committing horrific atrocities!
Kathy Backstrom
I am sure she is very sorry……
She is cute… and I’m sure she very sorry.. lol
D8 What did she do that was so bad??
If it’s anything like what my little pug was caught doing then yes too gross to post . They are lucky their so cute.
If it is anything like my pug, then it involved cat poop! Nasty
John Mungo
Why do people think pugs are so cute? A cattle dog with a full mask is so cute that people from five years ago still remember my heeler.
Shannon Marie Heron
Because different people have different tastes.
All dogs are cute! Healers and pugs and beagles and mutts! Don’t be so elitist!
Darn auto-correct. *Heelers
That’s right! Every furbaby is a work of art! Of course, MINE is the cutest! (though don’t we all think that)
Christine King
Your dogs cuteness does not negate other dogs cuteness. Weird comment!
Why do you feel the need to question why people think this dog is cute? I have no questions, you are a jerk.
Now I’m dying of curiosity – what did she do? Can you tell us in a euphemistic way? LOL! Whatever it was, she does look sorry!
Diarrhea? Btw she is adorable 🙂
We (sparrow my french bulldog and me) don’t like any kind of censorship!! She can’t be that nasty! Look those I’m sorry eyes
Been there done that with my pug once and I couldn’t keep it a secret even if I wanted to…she had to have surgery to remove the “gross stuff” she ate!!! Most embarrassed I’ve ever been!!
Donn Johnson
Did it involve feminine hygiene products?
Donn, that’s what I’m thinking it must be! Or else a, uh, contraceptive device.
Well now I want to know.
We all need to know now 🙂 What did the little cutie-pie do?!
Cheeseburger Sanchez
I am fostering three pugs right now, and let me tell you, the level of gross that these dogs create amazes me. So I believe it.
I met a pug today. God they are cute. But I expect a Men in Black move from them everytime.