While we were sleeping Lulu decided she would take a bingo dabber off the coffee table and chew it. There was green dabber all over the white carpet. I couldn’t help but laugh when I saw the look on her face and her knowing what she did was bad.
Lulu is our 5 year old bulldog and love to get herself into trouble.
That is priceless! Almost looks like a Star Wars creature. Lulu looks sorry. Or maybe sorry she got busted. But adorable & green either way.
She just wanted to play BINGO too!! Good thing it was Day Glo Green! LOL
So…she was caught green-handed? What a sweetie. I’m impressed that you can shrug off the ink on white carpet!
At some point, all you can do is shrug off the ink on white carpet. Dogs… totally worth putting up with their nonsense! 😉
How are you going to remove the green mug ?