We’ve decided that we’ve made fun of enough dogs and are now venturing into the unknown: Baby shaming!!
The dogshaming family welcomed a new addition to the family at the end of 2013 and here she is in all her glory. Mommy was a fool and decided to play “airplane” with baby Mia, who had just recently had a rather large dinner. Yuck!
Briscuit Brae
I hope this does not mean you are not doing the pupsters anymore
Nerwen Aldarion (@Nerwen_Aldarion)
Welcome to April Fool’s day
Julie Koszelak
Dogs are better subjects!!!! Spitting up , pooping, etc., is just not that entertaining. WHAT’S NEXT? GRANDMA SHAMING?
babies and dogs do all the same things tho
Haha! April fools!! Nice one! Too bad the barfing was for reals.
I love your baby, but please confirm that this is April Fool day!!!!! 😀
she’s gorgeous!! 🙂
April Fools Day is stressful for the gullible!
what a cute baby
She’s soooooo cute
She is just darling! I think the baby shaming is a really cute idea and what a perfect April’s Fools event.
Your baby is adorable! Thanks for the April Fool’s baby shaming, cute idea!
Ann Y.
Mia is beautiful! Thanks for a fun April Fool’s day with the babies!
Amy Williams
My nephew did that to me once. Yack!!
What a sweet face your mini you has.
This was a fun April Fools idea. THANKS!!!
Hey, I like the baby shamming. They are so cute. Can you do both?