Cooper’s grandma Cari sent this in. Her son’s pup Cooper got into a bit of mischief, so in the meantime, she’s taking advantage of her dog-sitting duties to train this coonhound to find missing people! Oh, and also shame him, of course! Way to atone for your sins, Coop!
Heidi Wolin
I hope my kids don’t see this. They would totally do this if they knew they would have to do live at Grandma’s house!
Maybe this little mishap was the universe’s way of helping to save missing people by sending Cooper grandma’s way! Sometimes bad things really ARE good
On the bright side 20 grand is much cheaper than raising children! Grandma can’t train children to hunt for missing people….
Well she could.,. But it might not be too effective until they knew how to drive and use google
What a wonderful way for him to pay off his debt. 🙂
jessie Kuehl
What lovely dog and a great life he will have while helping others!
Brooke Barnhart
such a good grandma for sending this in 🙂 lol. Enjoy living with your grandma