I ate the fish food and the high growth pellets!!!
Charlie the labradoodle is fascinated by the tropical fish, he sits watching them for ages, we all went out for dinner and when we came back he had eaten all the fish food and high growth pellets….. His breath stank for days after !!!
Toby's Mom
Oh, Charlie, you are simply adorable!
High growth pellets? Is he too short for his adorable breed? 😉
Ha, Ha. At first, I thought the submarine decoration directly behind his head was a fish looking menacingly at your little fish food filching friend.
“Sorry, Charlie!” (couldn’t resist – Baby Boomers will know what I’m referring to! 🙂 ) Hey, fish are part of the pack, right?
My service dog George loves to go to the aquarium. Especially the tanks with fish as big or bigger then he is. (He’s an 11 lbs Bichon)
At least he didn’t eat the fish. My chocolate labradoodle Charlie would have eaten the fish as she’s a monster.
When we first moved into our house, I used to go out to the dock and catch fish for my Pound Puppy Willy. He was FASCINATED by them…would get a good sniff and examination of them before I released them. To this day, he likes to go out and watch them in the canal.