“I peed on my mom’s bed but felt so bad, I put MYSELF in time-out. I’m so sorry mom, it won’t happen again. Love, Macy”
I’ve never had this problem before; I don’t know what came over me. I felt so bad about what I did, I put myself in my kennel for time-out. Not even mom saying it was ok could coax me out of there before I had finished my own time-out sentence. But I guess that’s what I get; I’m so embarrassed. And in case you were wondering, no I’m not a puppy…I’m eight years old! Anyway, sorry again mom!
Well she couldn’t sleep on your bed it had pee all over it, so she went to hers.
May want to get her checked for bladder or kidney infection since she has never done it before!
Oh Macy, it’s ok. Accidents happen…..
If she’s spayed, she may be having bladder control issues. Both my girl & my mom’s have had issues but it’s controllable with medication. Poor, little Macy, she feels so bad.
I swear this one was already posted. Macy’s got skillz to have it put up twice!
Kim Cronin
It was previously posted. I’d never forget a face like that.
She’s too cute for words
too cute to get in trouble
You gotta live a dog who shames herself!
I thought this looked familiar! What a sweet face! My 10 year old dog has occasionally peed on the bed; also completely out of character. I’ll have to mention it to her vet. I thought it was just a freak thing but maybe it is something that needs to be addressed. Thanks for the heads up!