I’m Millie, when I was sent to the yard because I ate soiled baby tissues. I escaped and tried to make it the 3 blocks to Grandmas house where I assume Grandma will give me all the soiled tissues I desire. Sadly, my Dad, in his underwear, caught me before I got run over by a car.
I have now progressed to eating tissues fresh out of the box.
When we’re at my parents’ house, my dogs stick closer to my mom than they do to me. They know Gma is more likely to give them treats than Mom is.
LOL – that’s a heck of a story! I’m glad the underwear clad wearing dad got to him before the car did!
^ sorry for the typo! Should be “underwear clad”!
Bah hahaha! What a thief. He looks so guilty, but so cute!
I so glad daddy caught him before he got hit, such a cutie
Oh Millie, you adorable little dog! Love how she tried to escape to Grandma’s, we all know they spoil their grandpups! 🙂 Glad you’re safe.
Bad doggie!
Millie, you take the cake. Thank you for uploading a much needed laugh
She is SO adorable! Looks rather upset she was caught. …the face says it all…glad she was caught and hope she learned her lesson.The streets are dangerous for pups out on their own.Glad she moved up to “clean” tissues lol btw how old is Millie?
Pugs are obsessed with TP & tissues! It’s so bizarre lol
What an adorable pug mug – “Not sorry, I’d do it again!”
I hope Dad was wearing boxers and not tighty-whiteys. I think this is my favourite shaming ever. The photo, the title, the caption, all of it. Perfect.
Jordan rice
Does the dog like grandmas better