Punkin learned how to snack on Bunny Turds and dried Earth Worms from her BFF, Molly. They love the day after it rains because there is always delectable treats to be found! Punkin has no shame when she burps her combo turdy-worm breath right in your face! Thanks a lot Molly!
Seems the cuter they are, the grosser the habits lol
Work those eyes Molly, you’ll get away with it every time
Ooops,, I mean Punkin
We call dried up worms ‘sidewalk candy.’ My tiny pup has a serious worm addiction. I think she and Punkin would be friends.
My dog enjoys rabbit turds, along with deer and coyote ones too. Not into dried worms though,
Raisins can cause acute rentals in dogs. Especially one so small.
Pretty sure they were referring to the rabbit turds
Amy Williams
Hahaha Turdy-worm breath!!!! Jan you’re right, a face like that….will get away with it EVERY time.