My name is Drake and I am almost eleven years old. I have never done anything truly naughty before in my life. My humans always say I am the perfect gentleman. Well, I know I am getting up there in years, and when my humans loaded the groceries into the back of the van and I noticed the take-and-bake pizza, I decided there might not be many more opportunities quite this perfect in my lifetime. I used my ninja skills to sneak into the very back of the van, pull back the plastic, and silently eat the whole pizza. It was so tasty! My humans didn’t even suspect a thing until they went to unload the groceries at home.
He is gorgeous and looks quite pleased with himself!
Why you buy empty pizza box? Silly peoples! Heh, heh, heh!
He is precious ! He has to have earned at least 1 get out of jail free card! NO SHAME !!
Briscuit Brae
I have an old girl that has been a model pet through the years but who has lately taken to stretch her behaviors a bit into the naughty realm. This just made me laugh out loud! So sweet~~so familiar here.
Atta boy Drake – show ’em how the seniors roll.
“Ninja skills” – love it! 🙂 My old dog once silently ate a half pound of very expensive beef jerky while we were driving. Should’ve known it was a little TOO quiet in the car.
He just looks too innocent – I think the checker at the store stole your pizza for his dinner and Drake was trying to alert you to what had happened, but Drake is such a good boy that he wouldn’t want to make a bunch of noise while you were driving, so he just went into the back of the van and pointed at the empty pizza box. Unfortunately, you didn’t notice this, and jumped to the conclusion that Drake had stole the pizza.
Zena Zena
Nice work Drake!!
You go Drake! Life is short. Sneak more pizza.
Next time take the rib fillet, Drake. Expand your palette!
Very impressed with his skills! Hope he enjoyed every last bite….he needs forgiving look at that cute face, but I cant see him going grocery shopping again!
Laurie Davenport
He waited 11 years, passing up ALL THOSE OPPORTUNITIES, for this one moment of indulgence….he definitely gets a “pass”…..
smokeyandbandit's mom
He looks so very proud of himself! No shame!
Ate a whole pizza in the car on the ride home.
Best day ever!
LOL He does look quite pleased with himself. He’s adorable. If that’s the first time he ever did anything like that….I’d say you’ve got a wonderful dog there. Way to go Drake!!!
Not meaning to encourage you but good boy!
Proof that dogs LOVE piazza…..
Party on, Drake, every old dog deserves his day!
scott vincent
Being Italian myself, I,d like to think maybe he was sparing you of eating the store bought pizza. Molto Bene Drake!
Good boy, Drake! You earned it.