Riley is the newest member of our family. He was found wandering around a busy intersection without any identification, and was not claimed after posting flyers and advertisements on craigslist and the pound. I thought I got a good deal, but that all changed when I found him going through the mail and munching on a check that had come in. Don’t let the face fool you, up until this point his tail was wagging and he spent more time trying to play with the sign than pose for his shaming.
Bless you for rescuing Riley. He will pay you back abundantly with unconditional love that money can’t buy.
(Sorry about the check).
Bless you!
So true! What a cutie!
Rescued animals make the best pets EVER! Good of you for keeping Riley in your home, instead of taking him to the pound.
What kind of dog is Riley? We rescued a dog last year in CA who looks exactly like him. We Think ours is half Boston half Daschund.
Our pup looks identical to this one and is Labrador X American Staffy. Quite crazy how similar they look!
I commend you for giving Riley a good home !
You can replace a check but you can not replace Riley.
I guess you also checked for a microchip? Seems like you found a blessing – – or that the blessing found you.
He was just in the living room minding his own business when this envelope burglar broke into the house through the mail slot. He had to defend his new family and his new home and valiantly attacked the mighty envelope. After a brutally long struggle, he triumphed over the burglar. Now pay your respects to your fine protector!