“I tackle children… And eat their ice cream. -Jango.” Today, Jango tackled a potential new client’s kid and ate an ice cream cone right out of his hand. Needless to say, I didn’t get the job. And Jango doesn’t seem to care one bit. Doesn’t he know where his kibble comes from?
Naughty boy! I hope the ice cream was good 🙂 My American Bulldog treats kids as walking snack dispensers 🙂
They aren’t?……
Guess he shouldn’t be unchained ;D
There was a boy in our neighborhood who ALWAYS had some type of food in his hands. My dog Finster would start drooling every time he saw him.
How funny. I love it! Great name too, BTW
I had a dog that would do that if the kids were carrying tennis balls. But he would trick them too. He act like he wanted to play, then slobber all over the ball. No kid ever wanted it after that. He would really make them nasty too….
Leah Heath
I really like the lettering of this sign:)
This is one of my favorites.