I see dead things. Then I roll in them. I’m Sydney, a Brussels Griffon Pug mix. If you have anything dead in your yard, let me know. I can roll in it for you. This is my third bath this month. I think. I don’t know, because I lost count. I hate baths, but I love rolling in foul-smelling dead things more.
Tina Mintz
Now that’s a winner! I LMBO… my dog does the same thing… I wish I could understand the attraction… well… maybe I don’t wish that then I might be out there rolling with him..
Mary Saunders Martorella
My next door neighbor had a sheep dog which kept rolling in a failed septic system. He would break his chain and/or collar to go roll in it on a daily basis. She got fed up and took him to the groomer, who removed ALL of his hair (have you ever seen a sheep dog without fur?). Interestingly, the dog never rolled in the septic system again.
vicki d
that is one super cute pup!
We call them dead friends at our house. 🙂
I have never seen a brussels/pug mix and I must say he is s very cute dog! I love his wispy hairs and the few strands of bangs lol adorable!
My dog was a connoisseur of dead things to roll in, with a preference for garter snakes, but really, anything decomposing was wonderful in his book.
Oh my gosh!!! This looks exactly like my pup! I heard he had a sister but I was too late to meet the adoptive people parents when I picked him up. Too cute!!!!