I can’t stand it when I’m not the center of attention. I’m a jerk. -Rusty
He can’t stand it when we’re on the computer instead of paying attention to him, even when the threat of Dog Shaming is near. He will physically impede you from typing if that’s what it takes to get your attention on him.
Denise Weldon
come live with me Rusty!
Keep trying Rusty, They will give in if you are persistent. Oh wait, that’s what my dogs did and it always worked.
Mo Graff
I think I have Rusty’s sister, my Belle is exactly like this in so may ways!!
I have his brother- tater tot.
He puts his head and mouth on my lap top so much my shift key no longer works
Yep, I’ve got Rusty’s cousin here. Drake (my pit bull) sits on my lap while I’m typing, and moves his head back and forth in front of my face, to keep me from seeing the screen.
Canyon and Ridge's servant
I also have a Golden who considers the laptop the enemy but at least they fight back with cuddles and looking cure. Does get annoying at times though.
Canyon and Ridge's servant
cute not cure – his head got in the way while I was typing