I broke my moms mirror defending the house from the invading dog. I regret nothing.
Editor’s Note: The submitters have assured me that no one got hurt during the incident (except maybe Dakota’s pride a little).
I broke my moms mirror defending the house from the invading dog. I regret nothing.
Editor’s Note: The submitters have assured me that no one got hurt during the incident (except maybe Dakota’s pride a little).
P.S. I almost forgot to add that I am not sorry…not even a little bit. Immediately after Mommy took this picture of me, I grabbed my baseball so I could go shred it some more!
Love, Rory
(3 year old, female Catahoula Cur)
And now mum has to get it professionally cleaned today for $200 🙁 naughty naughty Molly!
I ate my Moms warmest mitts and I am not ashamed.
I hack up goobers while hiding under my mommy’s desk at work so people will ask her if she’s okay. And I cut the cheese really loud while our friend Nikki’s talking to customers at the desk. (mommy and I both think that’s funny!)
Love, Doodles
I pooped during the night (on the pee pad of course, I am a very civilized dog). I then crawled under the covers with my Auntie and left a big skid mark on her night shirt. She found it the next morning. Thanks for dog sitting me.
Banjo uses Aunties night shirt as T.P.
Henry is the sweetest dog in the world, but probably the worst dog in the world too. He eats anything and everything and destroys pretty much everything he comes into contact with. He ate an entire loaf of pumpernickel bread that he took off the kitchen counter. Nobody got any sleep that night. I’ve never smelled anything so awful. It’s a good thing he’s so cute!
“I ate moms Chapstick, atleast it was all natural” – Bruno
Which one looks more guilty?
“I ate my vet records AND a stack of post-it notes! Payback for making me go to the vet! NOT sorry!!” – Koda the Siberian Husky