I ate grandma’s dentures while she was in the bathroom for 5 minutes. Sorry! And I cost her $1,000 to replace them. Xoxo Molly
I like Dentures!

I ate grandma’s dentures while she was in the bathroom for 5 minutes. Sorry! And I cost her $1,000 to replace them. Xoxo Molly
She still tries to open the blasted drawers even though they’re locked – I wake up at least once a week to the sound of her rattling them around. You can see how ashamed she looks…
Our mini dachshund ruined her dinner and mine.
“I love my bed but I still insist on stealing the bath mat EVERY day. ~Navi”
Navi loves her comfy bed but has an odd obsession with the bath mat and likes to have it with her whether she’s laying on it or not.
Sometimes my lips leak. Ruby can’t stop the flow of drool when she is near some one eating.
Tiki only looks sad because she doesn’t like the sign around her neck. The look on her face post-cat-vomit snacking? Pure bliss.
Wanted to see out of all the windows..so I sat on my brother. I am a jerk.
Our American Bulldog, Grimm, has some interesting ways of relaxing.
This is Peggy. The one dog poop appreciation pup!
“I got into the garbage while mom was at work. -Gerome”
I know Gerome isn’t ‘technically’ a dog, but after he got into the garbage twice and chewed through two iPod chargers all in one week I think it’s clear he’s having a feline/canine identity crises.