We live on a boat with out dog, Bella. When we docked our dinghy at a marina, Bella jumped off before we tied up and ran into the very nice marina restaurant. Imagine our frustration when we heard she ran into the restaurant. Now, imagine our horror as we heard someone yell “She pooped on the carpet!”!
I like to make sure that Mom and Dad wash all their clothes twice.
-Wicket (the shameless one)
Wicket loves to sneak into clean laundry piles and stink ’em up. He looks so comfortable that it’s hard to move him, though. This is only one of his many crimes.
“I like to steal your pants while you’re in the shower! I’m not even a little bit ashamed! – Little Bro”
Brover is a master pants thief. If you leave the door unlocked while you’re in the shower, it doesn’t matter if your pants are tangled in your trousers or up on the toilet seat, he will find them and steal them!
“I got myself stuck behind a couch. I was scared …yet unashamed. Love, Roxy. PS I counter-surf and poop in the closet”
We couldn’t find Roxy when we arrived home. Lo and behold she had gotten herself stuck behind the couch, and was only found due to her whimpers. We helped her out…after we took a couple photos 🙂
Walter is a 9 week old pug puppy. He’ll go outside when you take him out, but if he’s inside he’ll sneak away to the bedrooms to take care of business. He is not sorry. It’s cold outside.