“No one sees you, I’ll keep watch”
Winston truly exemplifies the quote “when you gotta go, you gotta go.” We have had number 2’s in crosswalks, on the stairs, in parking lots, etc.
Yearly Archives:: 2013
Worlds Fastest Wallet Destroyer
My name is Opie, and I destroyed my Dad’s wallet in less than 15 minutes. I was shooting for a world record. Mommy and Daddy clearly didn’t agree with my idea.
Steals neighbor’s toys
Presley sneaks the neighbor-bulldog’s toys into our house. She’s a thief!!!
I Chew On Cats
“I chew on the cats and won’t stop. Then I run away from my mom when she tries to give me a time out. I am *not* sorry. I will do it again tomorrow. (Or even later today)
Persephone is a two-year old Boston Terrier x French Bulldog and she is *bad* She chews on the cats any chance she gets and doesn’t stop even when told to. She knows she’s bad because she runs away from me rather than have the time outs she deserves. Sometimes she gets up from one time out and goes right back to chewing on the cats!!
Charlie’s not invited
“Mommy say’s I’m not invited over to my friend’s houses anymore…. I don’t know why not!”
Charlie is a 1 year old boxer who just can’t get enough of toys! There is a reason that his toy box at home has a lid (that stays closed).
Thank goodness you’re home, we’ve been trying to call you for hours!!
We left the pups, alone in the house for 1 hour. Came home to a shredded yellow pages. This was on the beginning.
Bat Dog Cannot Be Shamed!
This is Polar, my 1 year old male Samoyed.
No one dares to shame Bat Man, so why would they dare shame Bat Dog?
If it’s on the floor…I’ll eat it.
Kevin, our 9 mo old french bulldog, has a nasty habit of being a land shark and eating EVERYTHING off the floor!
Momma Louie
Louie’s Baby
Destroyer of house plants
Mason got a little too excited when we came home and broke three stems of my aloe plant with his tail 🙁