This is Maggie. She is almost 3 years old and loves to lick lotion off everyone. It’s a disgusting enough habit as is, but today she decided licking wasn’t good enough and found a bottle of my lotion, dug it out of my purse, chewed all the plastic off the top, and licked as much out of the top as she could reach.
Roxy likes to chase squirrels and hop the fence while doing so, but always forgets her skills when she’s done and wants back into the yard. She also likes to hop over and greet the mail carrier or UPS delivery person…
Hi, my name is Ranger. I am one year old and tall for my age. It is not my fault that when I stand straight up I can reach anything left on the countertops. Oh and by the way, I LOVE cheese! While enjoying a block of Tillmook Mild Cheddar, I was busted by my Mom.