Not a good morning for Ray! LOVE this dog!!
What goes in must come out

Not a good morning for Ray! LOVE this dog!!
The cat is ALPHA. I am a WIMP.
“I’ve bit the mailman so much my mom has to pick up the mail from the post office now..”
We always suspected that Bella slept on our bed when we were out. The one time we close the door and she does this. Guess who has lost their full reign of the house privileges.
This is Choxie, my dachshund-Aussie mix. He loves to destroy squeaker toys…and anything else with stuffing for that matter. He has no discrimination either. He’ll destroy my roommate’s dog’s toys, his toys, his own bed, you name it. Nothing with stuffing is safe!
Louie is a very energetic Westie, who is not yet accustomed to walks without endless amounts of grass. Seeing as he couldn’t find any, he elected to poop while crossing the street.
I bite packages when the UPS man drops them over the fence
I came home from the movies to discover my power didn’t work. After flipping the breaker and sparks lead me to find that Wile E. Coyote had peed on the surge protector. He’s lucky he didn’t burn the place down.
I stole a can of cheese soup off the counter, bit into the can and sucked all the cheese out like a vampire. Mom found it under the coffee table when she got home. It tasted Gooood 😉